Moston Lane Community Primary School

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Moston Lane Community Primary School

Be The Best You Can Be

W.B. 06.07.20



Over the next two weeks, Year 2 have the extremely important job of… DESIGNING A NEW THEME PARK for our school field!

Over the next two weeks we will plan, design, build, advertise and explain our theme park in many different ways using the skills we have learnt this year at school.  We can’t wait to see your ideas!



Friday 10th July 2020


Follow the link to today’s story:

  1. How did they feel?
  2. What did they think was scarier than a roller coaster?
  3. Can you think of anything scarier than a roller coaster?
  4. Do you think they enjoyed the roller coaster ride in the end? Why/why not?



Imagine that someone who has visited your theme park has lost their favourite toy! Create a lost poster to help them find it! Follow the link to have a look at our poster to see what a good one looks like.

Remember to include:

  • A title
  • A picture
  • Adjectives to describe what the toy looks like
  • A phone number for people to ring if they find it



Today we are going to be thinking about the costs of entry for our theme park. Have a look at this price list for Gulliver’s world and answer the questions below: 

  1. How much would it cost to buy 1 adult and 1 child' ticket?
  2. How much would it cost to buy 1 adult and 1 senior ticket?
  3. How much would it cost to buy 1 concession and 1 senior ticket?
  4. How much would it cost for 2 adults and 1 child to go?
  5. How much would it cost if I am 83cm tall?

Now add a price list (like the one above!) to your poster!


Topic - Art

Look at these theme park entrances.                                                                       

Watch this video all about sketching:

Sketch an image of the front of your theme park and what the entrance would look like.

Thursday 9th July 2020


Follow the link to continue reading the story from yesterday and answer these questions. Before you read the next part of the story, find an adult and tell them what has already happened.



A verb is an action word. An adverb is a word that describes a verb.

Follow the link and answer these questions: What verbs can you use to describe these pictures? What adverbs can you use?

Now write 3 sentences to describe each picture using the verbs and adverbs that you have thought of.

For example: The small, excited children held their arms high in the air as the roller coaster whizzed silently through the sky.


Today we are going to solve some Maths word problems. Follow the link to find the questions. These are VERY tricky so ask an adult for help if you need to and just try your best!


Topic - Music

Listen to these different types of music:

How does each song make you feel?

Today you are going to think of a theme tune for your theme park. Should the music be happy or sad? Should it be fast or slow paced.

You can either create your own theme song for your park or choose a song that you already know. Write in your home learning book why you have chosen it.

Wednesday 8th July 2020


Follow the link to read today’s story about a roller coaster and answer the questions. Remember to ask an adult for help if you are struggling as this story has some tricky words in it.



Our task today is to create a poster to persuade people to visit our theme park when it opens.

Have a look at this video to help you with your persuasive writing:

Now have a look at some of these persuasive posters and then have a go at making your own!



Today we are going to think about building our theme park. Follow the link and start thinking about which attractions you can afford. 


Topic – Geography

Watch this link:

Have a look at this park map and find the following attractions:

  1. Find the toilets?
  2. Find the disabled toilets?
  3. Find the food places?
  4. Find the shops?

Draw an aerial (bird’s eye view) of your theme park to map out the area and what it will have in it.

Look at these theme park maps to help give you some ideas:


Remember to:

  • Include symbols for each attraction
  • Add things to your map such as toilets, food stalls, drinks fountains, merchandise shops etc.

Tuesday 7th July 2020


Follow this link to have a look at the different rides and answer these questions:

  1. How tall do you have to be to go on ‘The Dragon’ ride?
  2. Which ride is described as ‘a gentle boat ride through a fairy-tale forest’?
  3. What different water rides are there?
  4. What age should you be to go on the ride the ‘Jolly Rocker’?



Your task today is to draw one ride that you would like to have at your theme park and describe it using expanded noun phrases. Follow the link to find out about Miss Mullett’s favourite ride. Your task is to do what Miss Mullett has done but write your paragraph on your own ride.



Use the tally chart you created yesterday to create a bar chart. You can remind yourself how to draw a bar chart by watching this video:

Now have a go at creating your own bar chart. You can use this website or draw your own in your home learning books:

In your home learning books, write a list of rides that you will include in your theme park based on these results.


Topic – PSHE

Remember that we want everyone to enjoy our theme park. Everyone is different and will have different likes/dislikes. Think about how your theme park will cater for different people. Answer these questions in your home learning book:

  1. What activities will you have for toddlers?
  2. What attractions will you have for adults?
  3. What can seniors/grandparents do at your theme park?
  4. What attractions are available for people that don’t like heights?



Monday 6th July 2020


Follow these links to read about theme parks that already exist. This will help you gather some ideas to help you decide what you would like to include in your theme park. Have a look at these park maps:

In your home learning book, make a list of

  • The different rides
  • Different types of food places
  • Different shops that are available



Today in writing we are going to be writing a letter to Mrs Kerton explaining why a theme park is a good idea. Remember you will need to make it persuasive! Have a look at our WAGGOLL to see what features you should include in your letter.

Now have a go at writing your own letter to Mrs Kerton.

Remember to include:

  • Your address
  • Who you are writing to (dear…)
  • Why you are writing the letter
  • Question
  • Exclamation mark
  • Say goodbye



Today we are going to collect data (information) in order to find out what rides are popular in Moston.

First watch this video:

Now follow the link to find out about today’s task.


Topic D&T/Art

Think of a name for your theme park and design a logo. This will be the first thing that people will see when they arrive at the theme park so make sure that it is clear, bright and has the name of the park on it.

Have a look at some of these logos to help you decide what yours should look like.