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Moston Lane Community Primary School

Be The Best You Can Be

W.B. 01.06.20

Friday 5th June 2020

 Good morning everyone! Well done for making it to the end of another week! Remember, we will be calling you all each week to see how you are – Ask your parents to listen out for our phone calls or voicemails!

Star of the Day – Yi-Kang

It was lovely to speak to you on the phone Yi-Kang and to hear about how much you are doing at home. You are so committed to your learning (even though the football is starting up again soon)!

Morning Activity

Let’s have a relaxed start to our day to lead us into the weekend. Click here to try some Pokemon-themed yoga this morning!


Today we are going to look at some poetry in our reading lesson.

Click here to read the poem ‘I am a writer’ by Joseph Coelho.

  • Try reading it in your head first and then reading it out loud. What rhythms and patterns can you notice when you read it aloud? Click here to listen to the poet himself reading it.
  • Think about the following reflection points (you do not need to write your answers down but it would be lovely if you could talk to somebody in your house about them instead):
  • What is the poem about?
  • What is the tone of the poem?
  • Does it remind you of anything or anyone?
  • Do you like this poem? What do you like about it?
  • Click here for some tips for how to perform a poem from Joseph himself! Practise performing the poem out loud and share it with somebody in your house!


Warm up by testing yourself on Daily 10.

Today, you can look at how to subtract decimal numbers by clicking here.

Or you can continue with your 30 day maths challenge on the Maths Factor by clicking here


Think about something that really interests you or a subject that you are passionate about. This could be anything that you would like to inform your friends about!

Click here for today’s task – you are going to write a non chronological report about a subject of your choice. Use the worksheet as a planning guide and then write your report using the plan to help you.


Click here to open up Spelling Frame.

Today we would like you to practise Spelling Rule 46 – Words containing the letter-string ‘ough’.

Topic - Art

In art this half term, we will be looking at sculpture and how we can use different materials to create our own pieces of art!

Click here to watch Andy Goldsworthy talk about using the natural environment to create sculptures!

Then click here to learn how to make your own sculptures out of tin foil!

Remember to send us pictures of your work!

Have a great day everyone! 

Thursday 4th June 2020

 Good morning everyone! 

Star of the Day - Alfie

You are really committed to your home learning Alfie, keep it up!

Morning Activity

 Start your day with a workout with Joe Wicks. Don't worry if you aren't able to join in live at 9am - you can view it anytime! 


 Read the following extract of 'Private Peaceful' by Michael Morpurgo and answer the questions below. Make sure you notice how many marks your question are worth! 

  1. The title of the first chapter is ‘Five Past Ten’, what do you think this refers to? 1 mark
  2. Why does Tommo not want to go to school? Quote from the text. 2 marks
  3. Which word on page 8 means you will be let off something you’re not looking forward to? 1 mark
  4. Why was Tommo not sorry for the dead crow? 2 marks
  5. What did Mr Munnings mean when he described Tommo as an addition to his trials and tribulations?  2 marks
  6. On page 12, the writing is clearly autobiographical. Summarise the main point of page 12 in one sentence. 2 marks
  7. What fond memories does Tommo have of going to work with his Father? 2 marks
  8. Why, on pages 15 and 16, does Tommo say he knows why his father is happy in his next life? 2 marks
  9. In which two ways do the Peaceful family view the Colonel? 2 mark


Warm up with a round of Hit the Button

Today, you can look at how to add decimal numbers by clicking here

Or you can continue with your 30 day maths challenge on the Maths Factor by clicking here


Today marks the start of 'Food Safety week'. 

Think about your favourite meal and write a set of instructions that explain how to make it. Remember to use your Y5 writing skills to make the instructions creative and exciting. As this week emphasises safety, make sure you include some safety tips in your instructions - this might include hygiene tips and making sure an adult uses any sharp tools!

Be sure to email us your instructions when you have finished them! 


Recap your knowledge of fronted adverbials. Remember, they can tell us when, where or how. 

Click here for the lesson - watch the videos, read the information and complete the activities. 


We'd like you to have a look at our new science topic 'Changes in Materials'.

Click here to complete the lesson - watch the video and complete the worksheet. There is even an investigation that you might want to try! 

Have a great day everyone! 

Wednesday 3rd June 2020

Good morning everyone! 

Star of the Day - Rutendo

You are working so hard at home Rutendo and you are also the KS2 Times Table Rockstar competition winner! A huge well done from everyone in Year 5!


Morning Activity

Get your heart pumping and feel energised by completing the Jumping Jack Gym workout!


Today we would like you to read the comprehension extract 'Not Even a Whisper'. Click here to open it and get started.

Once you have read and understood the extract, we would like you to complete the questions here


Warm up with TT Rockstars!

Remember to choose your own task for maths today – think carefully about which area you think that you need more practise in.

If you would like to practise solving some more complex problems involving fractions, then click here. 

Or if you would rather practise adding and subtracting decimals, then click here.


Today you are going to put everything you have learnt over the last two days into action! Using the features you identified in the WAGOLL and the work you did on speech yesterday, you are going to write your own alternative story ending.

Click here for the lesson - try out the quizzes, what the video and complete the worksheet. Remember to send us your finished stories so that we can post them on our page!


Today we are going to focus on recapping our use of subordinating conjunctions. We have done lots of work on this at school – think about ISAWAWABUB!

This lesson should also help with your writing as it will link to looking at settings in stories – something that you have practised lots last term at home!

Click here for the lesson - watch the videos, read the information and complete the activities. 


Today we are going to start our new computing topic for the half term. This half term we will be looking at webpages and thinking about what makes a good webpage – then trying to create our own!

Your first task today is to watch this video and think about all of the things that make a good webpage.

Then, we would like you to draw a picture of a perfect webpage (this can be a webpage to advertise anything you like). After you have finished your drawing, we would like you to label all of the key parts of your webpage.

If you really want a challenge, you could click here and try and create your very own interactive card using HTML.

Tuesday 2nd June 2020

Good morning! We hope you didn't find it too difficult to adjust back into the swing of home learning yesterday! Hopefully you are feeling ready and raring to go for another day today. 

Star of the Day - Sahil

Sahil, you completed a fantastic acrostic poem over the holidays based on the theme of kindness. Well done!  

Morning Activity

Start the day with some relaxation by learning some different yoga poses


Continuing with yesterday's reading theme, today you will be looking at making predictions.

Click here for the lesson - try out the quizzes, watch the video and complete the worksheet.


Warm up with the Daily 10.

Hopefully, you are getting used to the choices we are now giving in maths! 

If you would like to multiply mixed numbers by a whole number, then click here

Or if you would rather continue your work with decimals, then click here


Moving on with the writing topic of story endings, today you will be looking at speech. We have done plenty of work on speech now so hopefully this will be a good refresher of knowledge for you! 

Click here for the lesson - try out the quizzes, what the video and complete the worksheet. 


Today we are going to focus on how to use semi-colons - a tricky piece of punctuation! 

This lesson should also help with your writing as it will link to looking at characters (what is a story without characters?)

Click here for the lesson - watch the videos, read the information and complete the activities. 


Today we are going to start our French work for the half term, which is 'Going to the Beach' - nice and fitting for all the amazing weather we have been having!

Firstly, click the link and watch the 'Beach Song' video. Jot down some of the words you can hear and see if you can have a guess at what any of them might mean. Remember you are looking at going to the beach so think about words you would associate with the seaside! 

Beach song.mp4

After that, we would like you to think of different activities you can do at the beach and things you might find there. When you have created a short list of these things, head to google translate and see what those activities are in French. You might even have a go at pronouncing them - click the speaker button on translate and you can hear how it is pronounced! 

Remember to check the MFL page for this week's challenge!

Have a wonderful day everybody! 

Monday 1st June 2020

Good morning everyone! Welcome back to the final term of the school year – how quickly has that gone? We hope that you all had a fantastic half term and have enjoyed the brilliant weather we have had! We are missing you all so much so remember to send us an email with what you have been up to.

Morning Activity

Get the half term started with Joe Wickes and his daily PE lesson. Click here and see how far you can get after a week off!


In reading today we would like you to think about some books that you have already read and make comparisons between texts. Click here to open today's lesson and read the extracts. Complete the quiz, watch the lesson and try the activities at the end.  


Just like last half term, we will be giving you a choice of activities for your maths learning.

Warm up for the lesson with a game of Hit The Button!

If you would like to recap how to multiply fractions, click here to go to today’s BBC Bitesize maths lesson.

If you would like to challenge yourself with some new learning about decimals, click here.


In writing this week, we are going to be focusing on story endings. Sometimes when we write, we can rush the ending of our stories! Today we are going to read a WAGOLL and identify the key features of a great story ending! Click here to get started, complete the quiz, watch the lesson and complete the activities.


Refresh your knowledge of antonyms and synonyms by clicking here for todays SPaG lesson!



Today we would like you to think about what qualities make a good leader and how we can use these qualities to help people! In today’s lesson – your country needs you! Click here to find out why and get started.


Have a great day everyone!