Moston Lane Community Primary School

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Moston Lane, Moston, Greater Manchester, M9 4HH

0161 205 3864

Moston Lane Community Primary School

Be The Best You Can Be

W.B. 28.09.2020

We have had a lovely start to our new school year! The Nursery children are settling in brilliantly as we welcome new children every week. The Nursery team are really enjoying getting to know the children. We have lots of lovely activities planned this term.

We are aware that from time to time some of the children will have to stay at home to keep everyone safe. For this reason, home learning will now be added here on a weekly basis. This is to ensure that your child does not miss out on the learning going on in Nursery. If you have any questions about the home learning, please do not hesitate to contact the Nursery team by phone or e-mail. Our e-mail address is

Activity suggestions and learning links will be uploaded every Monday for that week. It is then up to you how and when you work through them. Some learning links will require a school login. We will ensure that you have these.

Please e-mail us pictures of fantastic work that your child does.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Thompson and Mrs Jones

Week 5 - Welcome to School


We have 2 books that we would like you to listen to this week:

Starting School

This book is all about children starting school and the different activities that they do throughout the day. Listen to the story and then answer the following questions:

  • What are your teachers called?
  • What are the names of some of your new friends?
  • What activities do you enjoy doing in Nursery?

Owl Babies

Listen to the story and then answer the questions:

  • What are the names of the owls in the story?
  • How did they feel when their mother wasn't there?
  • What does Bill keep saying to Sarah and Percy?
  • How did they feel when their mother came back?

Grown-ups: This story is a good opportunity for you to speak to your child about being left at Nursery and how you always return to get them at home time. You miss and love them while they are at school but you know that they are safe and that they will have a fun day!



  • Practise counting forwards to 10. When you are confident at counting to 10, practise counting to 20. (You might enjoy listening to this song:
  • Every time you go upstairs, count the steps as you move up 1. Remember to say only one number for each step.
  • Choose some of your favourite teddies or dolls. Place them in a line. Practise counting them saying 1 number name for each teddy (Grown-ups: Start with 3 teddies and increase them as they count them accurately)
  • How old are you? Are you 3 or 4? Show your grown-up that amount of fingers. Ask your grown-up to show you what a number 3 or 4 looks like.
  • Sing or listen to a range of number rhymes. You will find some on youtube.
    • 5 Little Speckled Frogs 
    • 5 Little Men in a Flying Saucer
    • 5 Little Ducks
    • 5 Currant Buns
    • 1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive



  • Make a picture for your teachers. It might be a picture of you or something that you love. You could use pencils, felt-tips or paint!
  • Draw a picture of the owl babies. Don't forget that there are 3!
  • Play the 'I Spy' colour game. "I spy with my little eye something the colour..." Can your grown-up guess what you have seen?
  • Ask your grown up to write your name on a piece of paper, Look at the different letters in your name. Now ask you grown-up to cut it up so that each letter is on a small piece of paper. Now see if you can put the letters back in order to spell your name. Keep practising until you get really fast!  


  • Finally, now that you are getting so big and have started school, you need to practise getting yourself dressed and un-dressed. Every night, see if you can get yourself un-dressed and put your pyjamas on! This is tricky, but the more you practise, the easier it will get!