Moston Lane Community Primary School

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Moston Lane, Moston, Greater Manchester, M9 4HH

0161 205 3864

Moston Lane Community Primary School

Be The Best You Can Be

W.B. 05.10.2020

Online learning

Week beginning 5th October 2020



Monday – Watch the Pixar film ‘Lava’

Write a list of all the people you love

Tuesday – chose some one you love and write all the reasons you love them in a mind map.

Wednesday – Find examples of letters in your home or online. Write a list of the key features in a letter. What would you need to include in a love letter?

Thursday – Write a letter to someone you love. Remember to use the features you found yesterday.

Friday – look through your letter and check it, if an adult can help you ask them to check it too. Correct any mistakes and if you need to write a new draft that is even better than yesterdays. Give your letter to the person you love.



Monday – practise your phase 3 phonics on phonics bloom

Tuesday - Watch the BBC bitesize lesson about rhyming books and then read the book yourself. Try and find a rhyming book in your house or on the Oxford Owl website.

Wednesday - practise your phase 4 phonics on phonics bloom

Thursday – Watch the video and read the book ‘See Yourself’ on BBC bitesize. Which character would you be if you were going to save the villagers from the dragon?

Friday – chose a book from the Oxford Owl website to read to a grown up.



Monday – Using the link and watch the last video on ‘Tens and ones using a part whole model’

Tuesday – Watch the first video on this page ‘Tens and ones using addition’

Wednesday – using the link above watch the video ‘Using a place Value Chart’

Thursday – using the link above watch the videos ‘comparing objects’ and ‘comparing numbers’

Friday – Watch the final video on the link above



Monday -

Computing – E-Safety – watch the video and tell your grown up a way to stay safe online.

Tuesday – Science - We are learning about healthy eating. Watch the video about healthy eating and discuss with your grown up.

Wednesday – Art – in Art this week we are doing self-portraits. Watch the video on BBC bitesize about artists who have done self portraits and then have a go at doing your own.

Thursday – PSHE. We are learning about having big feelings.

Talk to a grown-up about your own big feelings and discuss what you can do when you feel like that.

Friday – Geography - continents and oceans

Watch this lesson and learn about our continent Europe

Now learn where the Oceans are with this lesson