Moston Lane Community Primary School

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Moston Lane, Moston, Greater Manchester, M9 4HH

0161 205 3864

Moston Lane Community Primary School

Be The Best You Can Be

Moston Lane Community Primary School News

School News

The latest news stories from Moston Lane Community Primary School.


News Stories

  • Daily Exercise
    Start your day with exercise!
  • Hand Washing
    Are you following the 6 easy steps to washing your hands correctly?
    As you will be fully aware, the UK government has announced that schools will close for many children after the end of school today until further notice.
  • Home Learning
    From today, school is closed until further notice (except to children of Key Workers).
    From today all after school clubs and Year 6 boosters have been cancelled
  • Daily Update
    School remains open to all children except Nursery until further notice.
  • Coronavirus Update
    As you are probably aware, the Governments guidance on the Coronavirus has changed from "contain" phase to one of delaying the spread of the virus. Please see the letter below.
  • Science Week!
    This year British Science Week is taking place between 6th - 15th March. It is a 10 day celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths.
  • World Book Day 2020
    This year we are celebrating 'World Book Day' on Thursday 5th March. World Book Day is all about celebrating our love of books and reading.
  • School Calendar
    The 2020 - 2021 calendar is now available.
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