Moston Lane Community Primary School

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Moston Lane, Moston, Greater Manchester, M9 4HH

0161 205 3864

Moston Lane Community Primary School

Be The Best You Can Be

Moston Lane Community Primary School News

School News

The latest news stories from Moston Lane Community Primary School.


News Stories

  • MUFC Premier Football Tournament
    The Year 5 & 6 children who represented Moston Lane in the MUFC Premier Football tournament at The Cliff on Thursday 9th February finished 2nd in their group out of ten schools!
  • Basketball Triumph!
    The Moston Lane Basketball team have recently participated in 2 high quality competitions with terrific results.
  • Swimming Gala
    A massive well done to the four Year 4 and 5 children who represented Moston Lane in a swimming gala at Abraham Moss High School on Monday 23rd January!
  • Pop Lacrosse Tournament
    The Year 6 children who represented Moston Lane in a primary Pop Lacrosse tournament at Whalley Range High School on Monday 21st November performed brilliantly.
  • Construction Work
    Next week (28th November), scaffolding will begin to be erected from Reception to Year One. During this first phase, the playground will no longer be accessible via the gate next to the Reception classrooms.
  • Football Star and Ex Pupil - Ryan Wilson!
    Ryan Wilson has signed a schoolboy contract with Blackburn Rovers Football Club. Ryan, who left Moston Lane last year, will now combine study with football training and hopefully become the next Premier League star!
  • Cross Country Report
    On Tuesday 8th November, the Moston Lane Cross Country team attended the Citywide running finals at Phillips Park. Moston Lane are very proud of all members of the squad, well done!
  • Tag Rugby Achievements
    The Moston Lane Rugby team have recently participated in 2 high quality tag rugby qualification tournaments with terrific results. An outstanding achievement culminating in qualification to the Manchester citywide finals.
  • Moston Lane has been awarded ‘Outstanding Commitment to PE and Sport 2016'
    Moston Lane attended the annual Manchester PE Conference on Thursday 20th October. We were delighted to be one of five primary schools in Manchester to be awarded a trophy for ‘Outstanding Commitment to PE and Sport 2016’.
  • Wear Red Day
    On Friday 21st October we will be supporting the “Show Racism the Red Card” campaign. Children can bring £1 to school and wear red clothing to raise money for this fantastic charity!
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