Moston Lane Community Primary School

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Moston Lane, Moston, Greater Manchester, M9 4HH

0161 205 3864

Moston Lane Community Primary School

Be The Best You Can Be

Moston Lane Community Primary School News

School News

The latest news stories from Moston Lane Community Primary School.


News Stories

  • Writing Competition Winners!
    Congratulations to everyone who entered the writing competition.
  • Bonjour!
    Do you want to learn how to speak French? Mrs Livesey now has a page in the 'Home Learning' section of the website called 'MFL'.
  • Writing Competition Reminder!
    This is your last chance to enter our writing competition! The winners will be decided on Tuesday morning so make sure you email your entry to your year group email. Good luck!
  • Congratulations William
    On Saturday night many of us will have tuned into Britain's Got Talent but did you know that one of the stars of the amazing act "Sign Along WIth Us" was one of our very own Year 6 pupils.
  • Read with Tom Fletcher
    Do you love books about aliens and dinosaurs? Finish your day by watching Tom Fletcher read one of his stories! 
  • Writing Competition!
    Over Easter, we would love it if you entered our writing competition!
  • Share your rainbows!
    No.93 Health and Wellbeing Centre need our help.
  • E-Safety Tips for Parents/Carers
    Please see the attached document for tips on how to keep your children safe when online.
  • Edinburgh Zoo Live Webcams
    If you love animals, Edinburgh are streaming live videos from inside some of their enclosures. Watch the live videos and see what the animals are up to!
  • Maths Factor!
    In addition to the work set by your teacher in the 'Home Learning' section of the website. You could try signing up to Carol Vorderman's website (Maths Factor).
Showing 91-100 of 196